At our 2020 Wakirike USA Virtual National Convention and Fundraising Event, it was rigorously debated that the Wakirike Confederation needs a THINK TANK. The issue was raised by Prof. Atuboyedia Obianime, former President of Ijaw National Congress (INC).
The debate evolved to where the consensus agreement was that we need more than just a THINK TANK, but that what we truly need is a NATIONAL organization. It was thus resolved that the wheels should be set in motion to achieve that goal.
To that end, Wakirke USA assembled a team charged with the responsibility to facilitate the process of establishing an umbrella/national organization. Several consultative meetings were held with key stakeholders including members of the political class and heads of war canoe houses for their input. Opinion shapers, leaders of Wakirike professional and civic organizations were consulted and reached out to. The kings of all the confederating clans were duly informed and their blessings and consent sought. Consequently, each King nominated two of their trusted assistants to participate in several exploratory meetings which culminated in the inauguration of a seven-man CONCEPT PAPER DRAFTING COMMITTEE with Prof Joseph Ajienka as chairman.
The concept paper drafting committee responsibilities includes:
The process has evolved to where we are today – thanks in large part to the leadership and doggedness of the men and women whose names and pictures you see in this document.
What will a National Organization Do for the Wakirike Confederation?
David Solomon
David Solomon
President, Wakirike USA
“The state of affairs in any society is a reflection and constant reminder of the collective strength of its people.”
Concept and Vision for the Formation of a Pan Wakirike Socio-cultural Organization.
Our highly respected and revered Amanyanapu and Traditional Rulers, we convey to you the warm regards of your sons and daughters in the Diaspora and all the other facilitators in Nigeria.
We invite you to please find below a concise presentation of the concept and vision of the proposed Pan Wakirike Organization to champion peace and sustainable development in the Wakirike Nation.
The Current State of Affairs in Wakirike Nation.
There is undeniable evidence that the Wakirike Nation has lost its vantage position in our dear Rivers State and Nigeria. The reasons for this abysmally sorry and shameful state of affairs, though maybe controversial, are not farfetched. The situation is even more frightening because several previous attempts to galvanize our human and material resources to pull the Wakirike Nation together and overcome these setbacks did not yield any positive results.
It is against this background that we, your sons and daughters in the diaspora and at home, have come together to champion the formation of a Pan Wakirike Socio-Cultural Development Organization to stimulate and engender peace and sustainable development in the Wakirike Nation. In that regard, we hereby layout the critically cardinal issues:
The Concept and Vision of the Proposed Organization.
Objective and Aim of the Organization
The primary purpose and aim of the proposed organization will be to unite and mobilize all Wakirike human and material resources to halt the spiral fall of the Wakirike Nation and galvanize it towards achieving peace and sustainable development.
Features and characteristics of the organization
To ensure transparency in all its conduct and activities and to avoid the pitfalls of all previous efforts; the following shall be the features and characteristics of the organization:
To be non-partisan and apolitical in all its activities.
To steer clear of all divisive, sectional, and chieftaincy issues that will not promote peace and sustainable development in the Wakirike Nation.
To pursue the organization’s objectives and aims under the guidance of the Amanyanapu, Chiefs, and people of Wakirike.
To pursue peace and sustainable development of the Wakirike Nation within the provisions of Nigeria’s constitution of 1999, as amended, and in keeping with provisions of all
extant laws in Nigeria.
To pursue the goal of sustainable peace and development of the Wakirike Nation only through legal, legitimate, and nonviolent means.
To avail all eligible sons and daughters of the Wakirike Nation an opportunity to become members of the organization.
Structure and Administrative Architecture
Cognizant of our recent history and idiosyncrasies, we elected to design and build the organization’s administrative structure and architecture based on objective and sincere inputs and contributions from you, our Royal fathers, Amanyanapu and all relevant stakeholders, such that the organization will reflect our collective aspirations and hopes and be in sync with best global practices of similar organizations. Essentially, while expert opinions and contributions will be accepted, the main thrust for the organization’s structure shall come from the people.
Meanwhile, a few sons and daughters have forwarded relevant proposals on this critical aspect of the organization. These are hereby attached for your perusal and consideration. Expected Positive Results/Outcomes the Organization Will Produce Our Traditional Rulers will have effective partners to enable them to achieve the goals and aspirations of their kingdoms and make their reign rewarding. The following are some of the specific outcomes envisioned: A united Wakirike Nation speaking with one voice on matters of sustainable peace and development. A Wakirike Nation that will strategically engage the world, and be positioned to favorably compete economically and politically, and living peacefully with her neighbors. A Wakirike Nation positioned to reclaim her lost glory and restored to her rightful place of pride and dignity. A Wakirike Nation where innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship thrive and pursuing sustainable progress and prosperity with collective vigor. A Wakirike Nation where our YOUTHS are encouraged, promoted, and supported in matters of education, social wellbeing, and economic empowerment, etc.
Plan of Action and Timeline for The Formation of The Organization Leading Up to This Moment
Initial consultation with Amanyanapu and requisition of their nominees to join the facilitation process (Action taken).
From: The Facilitators for the formation of a Wakirike Assembly to midwife Peace and Sustainable Development in Wakirike Nation
To: Our Amanyana-apu and Other Stakeholders in the Wakirike Nation
Your Royal Highness is respectfully invited to recall that some months ago, we had interfaced with you on the above subject matter: that our beloved Wakirike Nation, despite its enormous human and material resources and potentials, has not successfully met the challenges of the times. Hence, our Se appears to have completely lost its pride and relevance in the scheme of things in Rivers State and Nigeria. Based on the realization of the Se’s precarious situation, we consulted on the way forward; that is how Wakirike Nation can rise again to achieve Peace and Sustainable Development. Thankfully, in furtherance of this noble course, Your Royal Majesty did nominate your subject on behalf of your kingdom to join this project. This noble effort has moved to the next stage: broader stakeholder consultation, buy-in, and evolution of the planned Wakirike Umbrella Organization (a nonpolitical socio-cultural organization) by the Amanyanaapu, Chiefs and War-canoe houses and all stakeholders of the clans in Wakirike Nation, to engender sustainable peace and development.
Taking into account the above, the following steps and actions have been proposed.
iii. The following cardinal issues will be addressed at this feedback stage:
(a) The name of the organization
(b) The vision of the organization
(c) The mission of the organization
(d) The objectives of the organization
(e) The organizational and administrative structure of the Wakirike Umbrella organization, viz:
(i) Membership
(ii) The role and functions of the Kings and Chiefs of the Wakirike Nation.
(f) Funding of the organization
(g) Other matters not listed above will be considered when appropriate
This is proposed to be the formal event to inaugurate the Wakirike Peace & Sustainable Development Assembly. This stage will materialize upon meeting the input, contributions, and aspirations of the Amanyanaapu, Chiefs, and stakeholders of the Wakirike Nation.
III. Conclusion and Request
We urge Your Royal Highness to kindly spare a moment of your Royal time to peruse the attached questionnaire and documents; and give your highly treasured contribution and input towards the successful implementation of this noble project. We respectfully request your support and enablement as we begin full contact and mobilization of all other relevant stakeholders in your kingdom to obtain inputs and total buy-in into this crucial project. Long live the Wakirike Nation.
Signed: On behalf of the Facilitators and the Community Committee:
1) Directorate of Administration and Training
2) Directorate of Public Relations, Media and Publicity
3)Directorate of Peace Building, Conflict Resolution and Legal Affairs
4) Directorate of History, Culture and Language Development
5) Directorate of Finance, Budget and Treasury
6) Directorate of Policy, Planning, Research and Statistics
7) Directorate of Values and Family Relations
8) Directorate of Education and Human Capital Development
9) Directorate of Health and Welfare Services
10) Directorate of Sustainable Development
11) Directorate of Environment and Natural Resources
12) Directorate of Economic Investment and Cooperative Development
13) Directorate of Religion and Civil Society Affairs
14) Directorate of Government, Corporate and Democratic Development
15) Directorate of Chapters and Diaspora Affairs.
1) Directorate of Administration and Training
2) Directorate of Public Relations, Media and Publicity
3)Directorate of Peace Building, Conflict Resolution and Legal Affairs
4) Directorate of History, Culture and Language Development
5) Directorate of Finance, Budget and Treasury
6) Directorate of Policy, Planning, Research and Statistics
7) Directorate of Values and Family Relations
8) Directorate of Education and Human Capital Development
9) Directorate of Health and Welfare Services
10) Directorate of Sustainable Development
11) Directorate of Environment and Natural Resources
12) Directorate of Economic Investment and Cooperative Development
13) Directorate of Religion and Civil Society Affairs
14) Directorate of Government, Corporate and Democratic Development
15) Directorate of Chapters and Diaspora Affairs.
Opu Kirike mingi a se Ama duba duba onu chua ka Obiri mangni a kuno laka Obiri mangni a kuno laka Ofinguru mono mono toru mono ka Opu deke chubie chubie.
Great Kirike A clan of the rivers domain A populous town without bounds Neither a racing dog nor an escaping goat Can ever reach your limits Were you ever to sleep Your eyes, like those of a rat, remain open You who carry your victims, however huge Under the hat.
Opu Ogoloma minagi a se Owu nini mingi nini Sonji bibi nimibo, nimibo Toru kurobo tombi Tari paka bo nimibo nimibo
Great Ogoloma A clan of rivers domain Raiders of mermaids and the rivers People with a raider at each promontory turn the valiant who lead in the battle front first on the land with a raider
Okombulo bara kuro Akambulo koribi bapa beinka
Okombulo National God of Ibaka with strong hands you mangrove crabs whose numbers can never be exhausted by the crab-hunter seeking to fill his calabash
Okile Ogbogbo Furo be toku buru bia bere Bura fia poku pirika Kala nama bila peleka bila pele
Ogbogbo with whom there is trouble if a child in the womb stirs for hunger People who do not share your food with the shores People who, alone of smaller animals do kill an elephant
Imo kuro kuro kumbu soka Ogu tomo boka mengi kulu hulu siki bere ton, Gbolu-kuro bere faka faka Awo doko doko ingbe kuro
You iron wood, so hard That no axe can cut through People whose drinking water flows At the lowest ebb of the river Treasured pot, on whom the slightest damage Leads to the endless trouble Puny children with strong bones
Ogbolodo Ogbolodo Imburu kana
Company of Ogbolodo deities looking dark because of your large numbers.
Kuro Abuloma bore sikika Ikoili duba duba kasa chua ka
You strong people abuloma people who never react from trouble and given word that you are the water crab which, however huge it grows can never be tied on a fish rack.
Angala duba aru karaka
A mangrove tree Grow large as it may, Cannot be used in carving a canoe
Inji buru buru kasa buru ka
The fish rack can never decay Even though fish on it may decompose in
The Okrika Kingdom's history is diverse, with no single ancestral origin; the communities were independently founded. Various migration accounts suggest movements from different places and times, particularly from central Ijo land, though the specifics are unclear. These migrations were often spontaneous, leading to distinct settlement histories. Over time, the settlements unified for mutual defense, achieving solidarity with Kirike for protection against external threats.
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